5 Quick ChatGPT Prompts To 10X Your Email Marketing Results

5 Quick ChatGPT Prompts To 10X Your Email Marketing Results

This is a guest post from Forbes Magazine

Just because you have someone’s email address, doesn’t mean you have their attention. With every email you send, you have to win it from scratch. Securing opens, reads and clicks is no easy task. Professionals receive so many emails each day, yours has to cut through.

Get ChatGPT’s help supercharging your emails, to make more sales with every send. Train your email writing muscle, ready to flex when you have something to share. Copy, paste and edit the square brackets in ChatGPT, and keep the same chat window open so the context carries through.

Improve your email open and click through rates 

A list of unread emails sit in an inbox. How is your title going to stand out among the sea of company information, administrative tasks and exciting opportunities your dream customer might have in front of them? It has to spark intrigue, create an information gap, and deliver value. All in one short line. Get ChatGPT’s help reworking your title.

“I'm sending an email to [target audience, e.g. small business owners, marketing professionals, etc.] about [topic of the email, e.g. new product launch, marketing tips, industry insights, etc.]. The working title of the email is "[current title]". Can you suggest some alternative titles that are more attention-grabbing, create curiosity/an information gap, and highlight the value for the reader? The goal is to maximize the email’s open rate.”

Supercharge your opening line

Don’t rest just yet. Just because someone opens your email, doesn’t mean they’re going to read it. Now you have to quickly convince them that further reading is worth their time. Start this persuasion with the opening line. As with the title or any hook on social media, grab attention, start the story, and draw someone in. ChatGPT can help you set the scene.

“I've got my reader's attention with the email title "[your email title]." It’s going to be sent to my target audience. My current opening line is [enter it here]. Can you suggest some powerful opening lines that will grab their interest right away, set up the story/information, and compel them to keep reading?”

Rework your call to action

The reader has been drawn into the email body, but what do you want them to do once they finish reading? Whether it’s watch a video, click to buy or email you right back, they have to be compelled to do it. No one voluntarily hands over their time, attention or money without a good reason. Ask ChatGPT to provide that good reason so you win customers with your expert words.

“Based on the email I described previously, where I want the reader to [desired action], my current call-to-action is: "[insert your existing CTA]". Can you suggest alternatives to this CTA to make it more compelling and motivating for the reader to take that desired action?”

Send emails in series

Take your emails to the next level by thinking in series. Each email within the flow should serve a purpose in building someone up to a sale. A popular framework is problem, agitation, solution. First you get crystal clear on the problem your audience has, and this becomes the topic of email one. You introduce it and get them to agree. Agitation is where you talk about how this problem, that you know they have, plays out in their lives. That comes second. Then in email three you talk about a possible solution, which could be your offer.

“I'm creating a 3-email sequence to nurture [target audience] toward [ultimate goal/offer]. I'd like the first email to clearly introduce a major problem they face, the second to agitate this problem, and the third to position my [product/service] as the solution.

For the whole sequence, can you provide an outline covering:

The "Problem" Email

Suggested ways to concisely articulate the core problem to [target audience]. Examples of common pain points/frustrations they feel around this problem

The "Agitation" Email

How to highlight the negative impacts/consequences of this unsolved problem. Ideas to agitate the problem and get them wanting a solution

The "Solution" Email

Positioning my [product/service] as the best way to solve this problem. Persuasive ways to describe the key benefits/results they'll achieve. Potential CTAs to include to move them towards [ultimate goal]

An outline covering all 3 emails in a logical sequence will help me craft an effective nurture series.”

If you’re happy with the outline, go ahead and write the emails or ask ChatGPT to do the honours. Apply the prompts from the first three sections to get your perfect title, opening line and call to action.

Invite honest feedback

When you have your emails restructured, reworked and following the rules, ask ChatGPT for a critique. Step into the shoes of the person receiving each one, see your words through their eyes and your offer through the lens of their problem. Get ChatGPT to be super specific with feedback and check every email thoroughly before clicking send.

“I've written the following email to be sent to [target audience] with the goal of [purpose of the email]. Review the full email draft critically from the perspective of someone in the target audience and provide detailed feedback in a single response. Analyze how well the subject line would grab attention, whether the opening line is good, and if it clearly [edit to reflect the purpose of this email, e.g. articulates a relatable problem/pain point, if the agitation of that problem feels genuine and motivating, or how persuasive the positioning of my [offer] is in terms of highlighting key benefits, if the call-to-action is compelling for taking the desired action, any areas that are confusing or unclear, and a general critique of the writing style, flow, and ability to keep interest. I'm looking for an honest, comprehensive critique so I can improve and ensure this email truly resonates with my audience before sending. [Insert full email draft text here]”

Send better emails: ChatGPT prompts for email marketing wins

Don’t waste your time and effort writing emails that won’t serve their purpose. Enlist ChatGPT’s help improving every aspect with your target audience in mind. Level up your title to secure that open, then improve your opening line to start them off right. Make your call to action irresistible, think in terms of email series, and get a final critique before you send it out. Write better emails, sell more stuff. There’s no excuse not to improve with this expert guidance.

Follow me on Twitter or LinkedInCheck out my website or some of my other work here

Founder of Coachvox AI - create an AI version of you. Original Forbes Post

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