Just Call Added Phone Number Pricing

Just Call Added Phone Number Pricing

  1. Local phone number with both Voice & SMS capabilities or Voice only 
  2. Mobile Number with SMS only or Voice & SMS capabilities
  3. National Number
  4. Toll Free Number

Pricing for these phone numbers depends on

  1. Type of phone number
  2. Country
  3. Procurable from your JustCall account or requires manual procurement 

To give you few examples: 

  1. For US, UK and Canada, we get local numbers and toll free numbers. And, both these numbers can be procured directly from your JustCall dashboard. 
  2. For Australia, you can get a local number with voice only capability from the JustCall dashboard but to get Voice & SMS enabled mobile phone number, you need to contact us. And, we get the number manually for you

Phone Number Pricing & Free Local Number Per User Rule

Alright, now let's come to how phone number pricing works. For all JustCall Pricing Plans, you get 1 Local Phone Number (which is procurable from your JustCall dashboard)  per user for no extra cost. So, if you are 10 people team on a Standard Plan on JustCall, you can add up to 10 local numbers for no extra cost. 

Once you go beyond your free local phone number limit, cost of the extra phone number is added to your subscription plan. 

Most of the local phone numbers on JustCall costs around $6 to $10/month but for some regions these prices can go higher (for example, Saudi Arabia, Jordon, India, SMS-enabled Number for Singapore, UAE, Australian Toll Free Number etc). 

To make it easy to understand: 

  1. Local Phone numbers that are not available for procurement from your JustCall account or Non Local Phone Numbers (mobile, toll-free & national numbers) are not covered under the "1 local phone number per user" quota and you are charged extra for such phone numbers
  2. If you are able to get the numbers from your JustCall account then it is covered under the free local  phone number quota. And, once you cross the Free Local Phone Number quota, you are charged for extra phone numbers 
  3. Phone number charges are recurring and added to your subscription bill 

To give you an example, if you are 2 member team on JustCall and have taken 3 local Australian phone numbers.Now, you ask us to get you an Australian mobile number as well. 

Your monthly subscription plan will be sum of the following: 

  1.  2 X Plan Cost Of Members 
  2. $0 (covered under free local number per user quota) X 2 Local Australian Numbers + $6 X 1 Extra Local Australia Phone Number
  3.  $10 for Australian Mobile Number

How does billing work in case of adding new phone numbers?

When you add an extra phone number outside your free numbers quota or you add a special phone number (manually procured phone numbers), then cost of the number(s) is not immediately charged rather it is added to your upcoming invoice. So, if you get billed on every 1st of the month and you added a new Australia Mobile Number on 18th July, your bill on 1st August will be: 
Your Subscription Plan Cost + Cost of all the new numbers added between 1st July to 1st August. 

If you have any queries around phone number pricing or anything around JustCall, feel free to ping us. 

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